5 tips to help prevent summer colds and flu’s
These 5 tips can help you prevent catching summer cold and flu’s. Read this short article to find out more…

How you eat affects how you feel
How you eat affects how you feel. 2 helth tips, 2 acupressure points. Learn about the Spleen Qi energy for digestion. Questions to ponder: are you eating your meal sitting down in a relaxed environment? Are you quickly gulping down food while on the computer?

5 tips for reducing anxiety
These 5 tips can help you reduce anxiety; acupressure, 4-8 breathing, exercise, music and dark chocolate. Read this short article to find out more…

Sinus relief with Acupressure
5 minute Sinus relief acupressure massage. Learn 3 acupuncture points to help relieve your sinuses.

5 easy tips for weight loss
5 easy tips for weight loss. 1. Include protein and/ or a healthy fat with all your meals and snacks. 2. Eat slowly and mindfully. 3. Use smaller plates ….

How to get the best out of your life?
What are the things you can do to get the best out of your life? The Chinese medicine teachings of Yang Sheng emphasises nurturing and nourishing life.

3 simple actions to improve kindness in the world
During my meditation this morning, I was reminded of 3 simple things that we can do to improve kindness in the world: Be. Recieve. Give thanks.