3 simple actions to improve kindness in the world

meditation, kindness, zen stones

Be. Recieve. Give Thanks.

When I was meditating this morning, I was reminded of 3 simple actions. These actions when done everyday can increase the love and kindness within the world: Be. Receive. Give Thanks. 


We spend so much time running around being busy. We are mindlessly rushing from one task to another, and doing all of the things. We have forgotten how to slow down. We have forgotten how to just be present within our bodies.  

Right now, I invite you to take 3-5 minutes to just be

Check in with yourself.

  • Are you breathing deeply all the way into your belly? Take 3 deep slow belly breaths right now. The act of breathing deeply brings your awareness back into your body and away from your busy thoughts. 

  • Are you aware of the ground under your feet or the seat you are sitting on? Are you wearing shoes, or are you barefoot? Is the seat comfortable, hard or scratchy? Feeling these different sensations will ground you, and bring you into the present moment. 

  • Are you aware of the different sights and sounds around you? Right now, I have my dogs curled up next to me on the couch, gently snoring. There’s gentle relaxing jazz playing in the background, and I’m feeling inspired and productive. 

  • Are you aware of how your body is feeling; are there any aches or pains present? What are you doing with your posture? My body is feeling a little stiff and sore from the exercise routine I started yesterday. But I’m feeling alive, and grateful that my body is able to feel exercise sore.


Some people find it hard to accept compliments. They will divert attention away from themselves or the tasks they’ve completed, while waving away any acknowledgements. I realized that I am one of those people. I’m working on accepting and receiving compliments. I’m learning to be okay with being acknowledged. 

I’m slowly learning to celebrate the small wins. This surges your dopamine levels, which improves your mood naturally. We all can use a dopamine surge in our daily lives for being productive. You are worth the effort and acknowledgement. You are open to receiving compliments and kindness. You are worthy.

Give Thanks

By saying “Thank you” you are appreciating someone and expressing your gratitude to them. It’s a way of being kind and sharing this kindness with others. It costs you nothing to show some kindness to others. You never know what other people are going through as the world is currently a crazy and disruptive place. So please share your appreciation, gratitude and kindness

By saying “Thank you” to someone is allowing them to Recieve

Loving the world by doing these 3 simple things: Be. Recieve. Give Thanks.

Remembering your worth.  Sharing the kindness. Sharing the love with the world


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