What does Yin Water Rabbit bring us in 2023?
The year of the Yin Water Rabbit begins on 22nd January 2023. It brings with it purpose, direction, momentum and represents prosperity, growth and expansion. Its the ideal year fro putting your plans into action.

Lunar New Year feast for abundance
A quick guide to lunar new year foods to bring abundance into your life. Certain dishes are included in the New Year banquets for their symbolic meanings. Eight of my favourites are covered

How to get the best out of your life?
What are the things you can do to get the best out of your life? The Chinese medicine teachings of Yang Sheng emphasises nurturing and nourishing life.

3 simple actions to improve kindness in the world
During my meditation this morning, I was reminded of 3 simple things that we can do to improve kindness in the world: Be. Recieve. Give thanks.