What does Yin Water Rabbit bring us in 2023?
What does the Year of the Yin Water Rabbit bring you in 2023?
This Yin Water Rabbit year is full of purpose and direction. This Rabbit represents ‘thunder shaking the ground’ to unlock our true nature and propel us forward with momentum along our path.
The energy of this yin water Rabbit year represents:
This is the ideal year for putting your plans into action.
Taking time to balance rest and action this year will find you in good stead to optimise the above energies.
Rabbit energy
Rabbits are fast moving but they also take their time to rest and restore their energies. Rabbits are nimble which empowers us to manoeuvre easily around any obstacles that arise. This year is a great time to let go of old patterns and old belief systems that are holding you back; the Rabbit’s agility helps you to accomplish this smoothly and easily.
Rabbits are naturally cautious, they take into consideration various pathways and different outcomes, while moving forward with care and cultivating progress.
Water energy
The nature of water is to flow. Have you noticed the way that water flows around objects? This aspect helps us to adapt to changes easily, moving around obstacles and flowing with ease.
Water also has great endurance. Have you noticed that a constant drip of water in one place will gradually wear through the toughest stone? Perseverance can be helpful.
The Water element requires rest. This year is a good year to ensure you get your 8 hours of sleep every night to replenish and rejuvenate your energy. It is suggested to take short naps during the day if needed.
A note of caution with a solution; due to water’s ability to absorb emotions, you may find moments where you are feeling overwhelmed and frozen in place this year. The best way to avoid or minimise these moments is to make a habit of grounding yourself regularly.
Grounding practices
This short list of grounding practices may inspire some new habits to begin this year:
· Meditation
· Journal writing
· Walking barefoot in nature
· Cooking or Baking and Nourishing yourself
· Gardening
Your Health in 2023
This Year of the Water Rabbit looks like a great year for strong life energy and expansion. It brings transformation and thriving into your life. To ensure you have enough vitality, Qi and stamina to carry you with the momentum of the year, it is recommended to practice box breathing
The year of the yin water rabbit begins this weekend on 22nd January. Wishing you a prosperous year, filled with good health, an abundance of vitality, and forward momentum in your plans.
For your individual animal forecasts for 2023 and more in-depth information, please visit the this link