Breast milk, Chinese medicine and a cookie recipe
Breast milk, Chinese herbs and a cookie recipe.

How you eat affects how you feel
How you eat affects how you feel. 2 helth tips, 2 acupressure points. Learn about the Spleen Qi energy for digestion. Questions to ponder: are you eating your meal sitting down in a relaxed environment? Are you quickly gulping down food while on the computer?

A restorative congee recipe
A nourishing congee recipe. Congee is the asian version of the restorative chicken soups found in various cultures. This recipe includes a secret step so you can have the congee ready in an hour.

5 easy tips for weight loss
5 easy tips for weight loss. 1. Include protein and/ or a healthy fat with all your meals and snacks. 2. Eat slowly and mindfully. 3. Use smaller plates ….