Why should you be eating cooling foods during summer?

Eating cooling foods during hot weather

As summer is the hottest season of the year, you may feel the need to have something to help cool you down. Eating a variety of cooling foods within your meals are a natural way you can combat any dryness felt or internal heat experienced.

Cooling foods happen to be in abundance during the summer. Eating foods according to the seasons helps us to maintain balance and harmony with the natural world. Foods like cucumber, watermelon, lettuce are refreshing and cooling on a hot summer’s day. A list of cooling foods and meal suggestions are shown below

You’ll find that you are naturally drawn to these cooling foods during the hot summer days.

Some easy swaps are:

  • replace egg noodles with mung bean (cellophane) noodles or buckwheat noodles

  • adding cucumber, mint and/or lemon to your drinks

  • adding coconut water and/or coconut milk to your smoothies

Using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), we diagnose your conditions and your body type. Different body types will need different treatment methods. Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture sessions help to bring you back into a balanced state of well-being and health. The choice of foods that you eat is an easy way that you can contribute to your own self-care. This can have such a beneficial impact on your health. We are so lucky here in Melbourne to have such a variety of good quality foods available to us all year round.

You may have noticed that your acupuncturist has recommended that you eat more cooling foods.  What does this mean? Cooling and warming foods are one way that Chinese medicine categorises the healing properties of foods. Cooling foods are great way to cool the body if you have a Heat body type.  Cooling foods have cooling and moistening properties to help counteract the drying and warming effect of having too much internal heat.

If you are wondering if cooling foods could be good for you, please book an appointment with one of our practitioners. You will get an individualised treatment program devised specifically for you. This is a key benefit of Traditional Chinese Medicine.


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