Breast milk, Chinese medicine and a cookie recipe
Breast milk, Chinese herbs and a cookie recipe.

How you eat affects how you feel
How you eat affects how you feel. 2 helth tips, 2 acupressure points. Learn about the Spleen Qi energy for digestion. Questions to ponder: are you eating your meal sitting down in a relaxed environment? Are you quickly gulping down food while on the computer?

A restorative congee recipe
A nourishing congee recipe. Congee is the asian version of the restorative chicken soups found in various cultures. This recipe includes a secret step so you can have the congee ready in an hour.

Sinus relief with Acupressure
5 minute Sinus relief acupressure massage. Learn 3 acupuncture points to help relieve your sinuses.

Can Acupuncture help with long covid?
Can acupuncture help with long covid? The use of acupuncture, moxa and chinese herbs are helpful in reducing symptoms of long covid at Bing’s Natural Health.

Metal element - transformation, shadow and reflection
Do you feel drawn to the core issues, essential structure and guiding principles of life? Do you thrive on intellectual discussions? Do you prefer quality over quantity? You may be guided by the Metal element in Chinese Medicine.

5 easy tips for weight loss
5 easy tips for weight loss. 1. Include protein and/ or a healthy fat with all your meals and snacks. 2. Eat slowly and mindfully. 3. Use smaller plates ….

Is period pain normal?
Is period pain normal? Does acupuncture help with period pain? Strategies for easing period pain and period cramps

How to strengthen your Earth element
Strategies for strengthening your earth element. Do you find yourself procrastinating? Are you ruminating over the past? Are you sluggish in the mornings?

Acupressure for summer well-being
Did you know that there are acupuncture points that are used to clear heat from the body?

Does acupuncture improve IVF success rates?
Does acupuncture improve IVF success rates? There are two main factors to take into consideration…